Student Ministry
Spiritual Growth and Development
CCC wants to “lead people to grow into fully developed followers of Jesus.” This is not just for adults! So we challenge our students to grow spiritually. When Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit and prophesied, he said that God sent Jesus to “…enable us to serve him without fear in holiness and righteousness before him all our days” (Luke 1:74-75). This is our goal for our students. That they will allow Jesus to enable them to boldly and courageously follow Him in holiness and righteousness day by day, step by step. Is this too much to ask? Is this goal too lofty? We don’t think so.
How in the world will we do this? Not by our own power or abilities, that’s for sure! We surround our students with loving adults in teaching environments, intergenerational small groups, and in service. We partner with moms and dads instead of tryng to guide students apart from their most significant influences. We stress the importance of surrounding ourselves with godly friends because we know that friends are the second most significant influences in students’ lives. We know that our friends determine the direction and quality of our lives.
Because our habits shape our character, we also challenge our students to dive in to good spiritual habits that help form our character. Things like Bible study, prayer, journaling, confession, deep fellowship, accountability, worship, selfless service, and meditation. These are some of the ancient practices that have helped Christians spiritually in “holiness and righteousness” through the centuries.
Our HIgh School and Middle School Sunday morning classes primarily use the Seven Checkpoints for Students, an intentional, systematic approach to discipleship. On Sunday nights our Middle School and High School students gather at LiFT for worship, teaching, fellowship, and small groups. We cover a variety of subjects that are important to our spiritual development. Most of these lessons are drawn from the Seven Checkpoints and XP3 curriculum.