Student Ministry
7 Checkpoints 

On the road of life, we need to stop and look at critical checkpoints to make sure we are on the right track. Cars have gauges, in construction there are measurements… in the life of a teenager, we have checkpoints that serve as 7 key principles from God’s Truth to lead students to be touched by God and for them to touch the world.
Repetition is a major key to learning. We know we only have a short time with middle school students and if we can get 7 key ideas through to them, they’re more likely to remember them. We have found these 7 things cover all of the important issues students deal with. So instead of just throwing random messages at students and hope they can hang onto all of the key ideas, we intentionally repeat these 7 “checkpoints” so that they can hang on to them as they mature.
The Seven Checkpoints for Students is an intentional, systematic approach to discipleship. These seven student-specific principles are the irreducible minimum. We are convinced that these seven basic principles are the must-know, can’t-be-without principles that every student should understand, commit to memory and embrace before they leave the safety of their homes and our Student Ministry. They are not all that is important. But they are what are most important for students.
You will find that each Checkpoint asks what we call a Critical Question. By that we mean that each principle forces you to evaluate yourself based on that principle.Each principle also presents a Key Passage from the Bible that serves as the timeless foundation for the principle. Each Checkpoint is stated in an easy to remember principle. Finally, each Checkpoint includes a Bottom Line principle that strengthens and expands the Checkpoint. Everything we teach in the Middle School Class will involve a component of the 7 Checkpoints.

This checkpoint focuses on a correct understanding of faith. Faith is confidence that God is who He says He is and that He will do all He has promised to do.
Principle: God can be trusted; He will do all He has promised to do.
Critical Question: Are your students trusting God with the critical areas of their life?
Key Passage: Proverbs 3:5-6

The focus of this checkpoint is a student’s devotional life. The apostle Paul assures us that transformation begins with a renewed mind. As students begin to renew their minds to the truths of Scripture, their attitudes and behavior will change.
Principle: If we could see as God sees, we would do as God says.
Critical Question: Are your students developing a consistent devotional and prayer life?
Key Passage: Romans 12:2

Purity paves the way to intimacy. One of the most important things a student can do is establish limits. Students need to learn how to protect their body and emotions by honoring God’s plan for sex and morality.
Principle: Purity paves the way to intimacy.
Critical Question: Are your students establishing and maintaining moral boundaries?
Key Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4:3-8

The people our students associate with the most will determine the direction and quality of their lives. This principle focuses on helping our teenagers build healthy friendships while avoiding unhealthy ones.
Principle: Our friends determine the direction and quality of our lives.
Critical Question: Are your students establishing healthy friendships and avoiding unhealthy ones?
Key Passage: Proverbs 13:20

In light of past experience and future dreams, students need to ask themselves “What is the wise thing to do?” Good decision-making is more than simply choosing between right and wrong. This principle focuses on the necessity of wisdom in decision making.
Principle: Walk wisely.
Critical Question: Are your students making wise decisions?
Key Passage: Ephesians 5:15-17

Freedom and authority are often viewed as opposing concepts. But the Scriptures teach that freedom is found under authority. This principle focuses on the need for students to stay under the authorities that God has placed over them.
Principle: Maximum freedom is found under God’s authority.
Critical Question: Are your students submitting to the authorities God has placed over them?
Key Passage: Romans 13:1-2

Selfishness comes natural. Selflessness must be learned. The hallmark of a believer is his or her willingness to put the needs of others ahead of their own. This principle addresses our student’s propensity toward selfishness and self-centeredness.
Principle: Others First
Critical Question: Are your students putting the needs of others ahead of their own?
Key Passage: Philippians 2:3-11